Adopted by Linda & Barry Potter – July 23, 2013 – Salt Lake City, Utah

We sit in the quiet living room, and the only sound to be heard is the contented chewing of chew toys from my three dogs. It is, as we call it, the evening chew. To me it is the sounds of three contented rescued dogs engaged in an enjoyable social activity while each one is sprawled on in the security of their own part of the very long couch. I think it is their version of smoking a cigar in the smoking room, they even wear their dinner jackets.

Ah Maggie, who we think refers to herself as Lady Margaret, who is also known as Mags, Crazy Mags, and the Bullet although she rather prefers Mademoiselle Bullet (pronounced Boolay). Maggie joined our family in July 2013 when we picked her up in Saint George Utah. Kathy Robinson, a volunteer, gave Maggie a lift from CA to UT, the next to last leg of her long journey from Iran. We are Maggie’s forever family as she fits in as she is quirky (like us), but gives off a good normal veneer.

When she joined us, she met her brother Harry, (half dachshund, half golden retriever). They got along from the start, although Maggie was more timid preferring lap time to chase time. But Harry showed Maggie the ropes, how to sit before dinner, and get along with the quirky servants (us).

Maggie is a love, she hates to be separated from us, earning her a trip to MA in October 2013 to put her paws in the Atlantic Ocean, (as well as having been to the Pacific Ocean). She looked a little shocked at the temp of the Atlantic in October, but it didn’t stop her from giving some Canadian Geese what for! And she amazed my in laws, but jumping up into my father in laws lap and he quickly cuddled and pet her (and he is not a pet person).

She loves to burrow into bed with me in the morning, she delights in wiggling under the covers and putting a cold wet nose on my belly! I swear she giggles when she does this! The other quirky thing is she is quiet and demur until you put a leash on her, then we have the Crazy Maggie, she puts her leash in her mouth and shakes it for all she is worth all the way down the driveway, and sometimes up the street towards home.

She is part of the crew and loves to go out and play with Harry and Luna, but also likes her alone time. She is a fixture in my sewing room, and I spend many enjoyable hours there, with her for company.

Maggie brings a quiet reserve to an otherwise rambunctious home. She enjoys her time spent with us, and watches football with Mommy on Sundays but also enjoys some quiet time, when the other two, have gone to bed.

Here’s Maggie (then Margie)’s rescue story and her trip to the US:

I happened to be at the shelter that very day when the group of small breed dogs were rescued from a very bad situation and dropped off at the airport. There were seven exceptionally beautiful dogs who without a doubt were abused, as they were rather timid. Margie and I hit it off right away. She has such unique kind behavior. Every Friday, when I came to the shelter, I used to ask management if I could take Margie out. She would cry when I had to put her back before I left for the day… –Bahar Tavackoli.

Little Margie’s journey to the US was different than all other transports we’ve had so far. She was small enough that we had the option of sending her in a small crate inside the cabin — of course this would not have been possible without kindess of Mr and Mrs Sadeghi-Sadr. Margie was a perfect traveler, quiet and gentle. Despite all the hardship she must have been through thus far, she was still open to see what’s awaiting her next. We took 3 different size crates to the airport with us, in case if the airline wouldn’t accomodate her inside the cabin. It all worked out — Funny our smallest dog, ended up with most supplies 🙂 The airline crew allowed her to be carried on board the cabin as long as she went in the soft bag, so we put her in there, and our dear travelers went towrads the plane. Thank you so much, Yasamin and Amir for going through the trouble and carrying her onboard the plane.


About a year ago, a friend introduced us to Vafa Animal Shelter and my husband and I started to follow their efforts mostly online. We were always amazed at how dedicated and tireless they were, considering the challenging environment they had to operate in. I was always hoping to make a meaningful contribution no matter how small and that opportunity presented itself a few weeks ago when we visited Iran and we were asked if we could bring one of the rescued dogs back with us to US. It was an absolute pleasure to work with Vafa Team here and in Iran. They took care of all the arrangements and followed up vigorously to ensure a smooth and flawless experience for us and the little lucky one, Margie, who accompanied us back to US. Thanks to Vafa, this turned out to be our most memorable and rewarding journey and I hope Margie feels the same:) The only problem with this arrangement was that at the end of the trip, we were in love with this little peaceful angel and it was very hard to let go…


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