Adopted Dogs Abroad
Namak’s Journey to a Loving Home
Everyone fell in love with him from the day he entered the shelter with that innocent face in the arms of the kind young man who had rescued him. Who would have thought that someone from the other side of the world would fall in love with this sweet boy and bring him...
Pirate: From House of Horrors to Toronto
He was the youngest and smallest survivor of the House of Horrors. When Reza held him in front of the camera with only one hand and said: "his eye is out of the socket," no one knew where his fate would lead. He was so tiny and vulnerable to survive in the crowded...
Azadeh’s Story
Azadeh's story begins with suffering and leads to happiness. A familiar scene of animal abuse: It is the summer of 2018. The heat is raging. A man on a motorcycle pulls a dog on the ground with a rope. The dog is silent, with no screaming. Another man sees the scene,...
Luigi :From Hashtgerd to Germany
Luigi was left in front of the shelter's doors in June 2019 and walked up to the shelter himself. He was a boy with a relatively large body and short arms and legs. Due to his size, he could not be kept in backyards and no one was interested in adopting him to live in...
Kyla became Canadian
A lady had found Kayla near Mehrshahr and brought her to the shelter in spring of 2019. Her body was covered with patches of recovered wounds. The vet suspected that her skin was damaged with some sort of chemicals. These patches never grew fur but it would not show...
A big warm hug for Fifa
Fifa Near the end of Spring 2019 someone contacted the shelter saying that they had seen a small dog tied to a tree near the shelter. The staff searched for him and eventually found him; a sweet little guy with one cute little tooth sticking out from his bottom jaw!...
Vishki in Montreal
In Fall 2020 Rana and Mr. Karam noticed Vishki at the village just south of the shelter. She was a stray and one of the store owners used to feed her. It seemed like she had a health problem so one day she was brought to the shelter for treatment and neutering. The...
Bamzi becomes Canadian
In 2018, a father imports a Labrador puppy from outside of Iran for his son, and signs the puppy up for training at a training school. But living at these schools is too early for a puppy that young, and as a result, the puppy got Distemper. It was a hard battle, and...
Hoppy, from Astara to Los Angles
In March 2017, a family who had lost their terrier dog and had reached out to the community to find their missing dog, went to Astara in response to a call that claimed their dog was seen in that neighbourhood. It turned out that it wasn’t their dog but since the dog...
Robin Hood in USA
Why was he named Robin Hood? No, it was not because he was helping the poor. Only because the colors on his face looked like Robin Hood cartoon character. When he came to the shelter in 2016, he was less than a year old. A happy and well-behaved boy. He was a little...