30 December 2010

Dear friends (who reside outside of Iran):

Due to limitations for all international Iranian transactions our Paypal account is closed. Please do not make any deposit in to that account.
Unfortunately this matter is putting a lot of pressure on us from different sides. On one hand it makes it hard to to receive donations, and on the other as result of deletion of subsidies our expenses have multiplied.

Please note only some of the shelter’s daily needs that have gone up in cost:

Bread; we use count of 1500 per week. It was 150 Tomans each. Now is 300 Tomans each.
Refilling the gas tank used to cost 300 Tomans and now it is up to 6200 Tomans
The van; Used to fill up with 12000 Tomans and now it is up to 25000.

These are only a few examples.

May this be a motivation for most of us to help each other even more. Lets not allow the animals be victims of this financial battle.

Please email us for more information on how to help: info@cal.ir

With warm regards,

The Center for Animal Lovers / Vafa Shelter

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