Adopted by Richard Del Pezzo – April 6, 2014 – Daytona Beach, FL

Princess has been a wonderful addition to the house ever since day one which was April 6, 2014. In a short period of time she has become very popular in the neighborhood as well as the dog park. Everyone here seems to know her background and they continue to be amazed at how beautiful and how well-behaved she is. Everyone is impressed that she has a passport!

Princess is only 14 months old but is very well-behaved for a puppy. However, she has had her moments but nothing too serious. She has a thing for shoe laces and will tear apart the laces and the shoe if she can get to them. Needless to say, I can no longer just leave shoes on the floor even for just a few minutes as she will hone in on it and rip it to shreds. Her other vice is to rip buttons off of pants and shirts. At the moment I have four pants and one shirt that didn’t survive Princess but it is all good though and she is learning to chew her toys instead of my work uniforms.

She is also in the process of digging one very large and deep hole in the backyard. I have measured the hole and it is now 34 inches deep, 36 in. long and 13 in. wide. She easily fits inside the hole and I imagine she just likes the cool dirt on a warm day. What is really funny is that she actually unearthed a plastic pipe that is used for the septic sewer system but hasn’t managed to tear that apart yet.

We go for a long walk every day and I am so proud to show her off to the neighbors and I always get so many positive comments about her beauty. Her name is perfect for her and I could not have chosen a more appropriate one. Right now she is looking at me with those big eyes and wondering why I am spending so much time writing this instead of playing with her. She is being patient but I am not so sure how long that will last!

Richard Del Pezzovery

proud owner in the state of Florida, USA.


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