Adopted by Kelly & Bobby Dorafshar,  Feb 6, 2011 – Los Angeles, CA

On the eve of Niru’s 1st birthday, aka “Charlie”, I am finally sitting down to write his adoption story.  As the founders of New Leash On Life Animal Rescue, a California based dog rescue, we value letters and pictures from our adopters, even 8 months later!

The rescue world is small but its arms are far reaching… across counties, cities, states and even countries. Faranak the leader of USA Vafa Shelter Placements has a co-worker who is a life long friend of my husband Bobby.Faranak contacted us for assistance in placing 2 dogs that were coming in to LAX from Vafa in February of 2011. Bobby received the descriptions of the dogs and learned that one of the puppies was a Belgian Shepherd Mix, a breed that he has wanted for quite some time. After learning of his tuff temperament and drive, Bobby told me he was interested in adopting one of the dogs. As his partner in rescue and wife, it never takes much to convince me to add another four-legged to our home. The dogs arrived at LAX and were brought to our home in the San Fernando Valley. “Charlie” sniffed around and didn’t quite know what to make of the good ol’ USA. He refused to smile for the camera in my arms and just wanted to wiggle and run.  In hindsight, he was probably looking for food, as that is his mission in life. Find Food – EAT Food- Find more Food!

Figuring out his name was a difficult process. I immediately wanted to name him Shaytoon. Bobby agreed that the name suited his naughty behavior, but thought a more dignified name would be more appropriate. Niru, meaning Strength, seemed like the perfect fit and so he became, Niru – Full of Strength, brother to Kiaha. Kiaha (Meaning rare beauty in Native American), a sassy Chocolate Boarder Collie mix, who we adopted just 6 months prior was in desperate need of an energetic playmate. Her other siblings, Cody and Jake, were both 15 and not interested in entertaining. Niru gave, and continues to give, her a run for her money. In the backyard, their energy levels are matched. It’s only in the house where Kiaha can relax… Niru still searches for food or something to chew on! Our boys are scolded if a stray sock is found under the couch… Niru will sniff it out and proceed to eat it as if it is the most delectable morsel he as ever encountered. I have pulled several from his throat and have found a few which have “passed” L

Niru settled into his routine quickly, going to work with me everyday at K9s Only were he worked with all of our trainers to learn and fine tune his obedience, both on leash on off. He also worked with our Wellness Director and had his first swim lesson a week after he arrive. He is now an avid swimmer, twice as fast as Kiaha in the pool.

His size has quadrupled in the last eight months and he still believes that he can crawl up into my lap and snuggle. He’s the best spooner (Next to my husband) and will even nibble on your ear. He has THE sweetest temperament and is amazing with the kids. His size can be intimidating, but they soon realized that simple commands can control his actions. Niru allows them to love, hug and kiss him as much as they want.

Several months ago, we almost lost Niru. He stopped eating, stopped drinking and would not get up. After days in hospital, countless procedures and tests preformed and a mint spent, we were with out any prognosis or diagnosis. All tests came back negative and he was on deaths door. Then, Niru got better. The Vet could not tell me what the illness was or why he miraculously got better. He just started eating again! He continues to have stomach issues but a change in food has helped.Niru has found a forever home with us and will forever be part of our family… naughtier than my two boy’s put together, but none the less just as loved.

Kelly & Bobby Dorafshar


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