Sushi was found with a broken jaw on the side of the road leading to the shelter.  She was so small, everyone thought she was probably taken away from her mother while she was still nursing. Was it possible that someone had stolen her from her mother?  Maybe she wandered off from the den, and was not able to find her way back!  Lost, she probably sought attention from someone, and the person brutally kicked her in the mouth resulting in a broken Jaw! …Who knows?!

Sushi’s jaw was broken badly.  The vet had no choice but to remove her teeth to be able to restore her broken jaw.  Sushi had big round eyes and her ears were cropped. After surgery, because she had no teeth her tongue stuck out. These features made her face very cute.

Two to three months of round the clock care brought her health back.  Sushi was eventually able to play with dogs her age.  However, seeing her cropped ears and her tongue that was hanging out of her mouth raised lots of curiosity.  When people heard her story they were left with tears in their eyes.


Many good people participated in this rescue case.

Anonymous heroes who do not remain indifferent when they see pain and suffering of animals and helped courageously.

Would you be one of these people?


Fatemeh Motamedi

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