Wednesday, 03 November 2010

Dear Friends & Supporters:

We are happy to report that our major project of tiling of one of the yards at the shelter (1200 sq meters)  which was delayed due to lack of funds/resources, is almost half way done!

Unfortunately due to the amount raised for our special fund-raising, we were only able to start the most needed project which is the living situation for our dear residents at Vafa.  The amount needed for this project has been estimated at $8000.  Thanks to your kind/generous donations, we were able to raise $4030 via Paypal and another $470 via the bank account in Iran.  We made sure to send a thank you note to each and every supporter who helped us in this cause.

(Please forgive me if you were missed and kindly email me offline

There is much more to do … and we hope you continue your support–when you are able to…

Other items in the wish list that was donated to Vafa are listed here:

Shade Canopies, Card boards, Rugs, Blankets, Tiles, Cleaning detergents, Gloves, Dishes for dogs, Ethanol alcohol, betadine, comforters, Mattresses (for the workers), wooden bench, more dishes, pillows, ropes for dog toys, shampoo for dogs, garbage bins…and more…

THANK YOU ALL!  ‘Together’ we can make a difference….

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