Adopted by Dunham Family on Oct 20, 2011 – Vancouver, BC

On October 20, 2011, I flew all the way from Iran to Vancouver Canada to meet them.  At first I was really scared….of everything!   I didn’t want to come out of my kennel for a long time and when I did I was faced with stairs!

Thankfully, my new family was really patient with me and even carried me up and down the stairs for 2 days so that I could sleep in the same room as them.  I was also scared of going for a walk in the dark.  I learned that the strange noises and lights were cars but it took me a couple of weeks before I was feeling comfortable enough to walk beyond the neighbours houses.  Now I’ve learned that going for walks is when I get to see other dogs – that is my favourite thing in the whole world, nothing can get me going like the possibility of meeting another dog on our walk.  I’ve got my morning buddies that we see everyday, some of them are older and don’t want to play but others will let me run around and be all puppy playful with them.  It’s the best!  There is also a big forest behind our house with lots of interesting smells, my mom said there are bears, skunks, racoons and other critters in there…..thankfully we’ve only seen some skunks and when we did my mom pulled me hard the other way even though they were coming towards me and I was very curious about them.

At home there are 2 little people that I love.  I listen to Jessica better than anyone else, she’s 4 and she gives me great ear and belly rubs.  Josh keeps telling me how cute I am, and pats me on the head, he’s also started giving me a special treat…piggy ears!  They have lots of stuffed animals that I grab and trot around the house carrying.  My mom tells me to drop them and play with my own toys but I just can’t help wanting to play with theirs too.  I have a favourite stuffed squeaky elephant and I adore fetch with my rubber chicken in the backyard.

After I totally destroyed the bed my family had gotten me, they got the message that I’d rather sleep on a chair.  They tried hard for a couple of days to stop me from going on there, but I was very determined and finally got my way.  This is my quiet spot slightly away from the kids but still in view of the kitchen (just in case food falls on the floor) and of the front door.  I’m working on getting onto the couch too but mom and dad are even more determined to keep me off of there, oh well, I’m slowly giving up on that one.

Life is great here, it’s just coming up on 2 months that I’ve been with my family, but we are really starting to figure each other out, they’ve been patient with my having to learn a new way of life, and I’ve been working really hard to learn my commands and house rules.  I think it’s a great match, I’m one lucky boy!BillyPS – we are one lucky family too Billy, your calm disposition and gentleness with our kids is more than we could have hoped for adopting a 6 month old puppy.

Love Deb, Chris, Jessica and JoshBilly and His sister , Emili


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