Adopted by Noshi and Rita Asangarani – May 26, 2015 – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Upon arriving in Toronto, My new adoptive human mother and human sister were waiting for me with big smiles and a large welcome party. Everyone looked so happy to meet me. Being timid as I was I stayed close to my adoptive sister during the entire car ride to my new home to Ottawa. But looking out the window I saw a whole different world, one with many green trees and grass.I was unsure of my surroundings and spent much of my time with my adoptive mother. I did not want to get close to other people. But with time, patience and training I have come to love my home and my new extended family. My grandmother tells me that I am a beautiful dog every time we visit her.

I now try to do my part as a member of the family by staying close to my aunt as she cooks in the kitchen so that I make sure I clean the floors in case she drops any food.I like going on long walks with my mom and I take my favorite squeaky toy monkey, spirit wind, with me when I go. I run in the tall grass and pretend to play hide and seek. I don’t like to play with the other dogs, but I enjoy watching them from afar. However, I have made two doggy friends that I do like to sit and play with. I also like wrestling with my sister and cuddling with my mom while we watch TV together. I love to play with my toys and play in the nearby play structure.I have become very protective of my family and love them very much. I have learned tricks and I can give hug back when my family hugs me. I also hold politeness to a high standard. I will only do certain tricks if you say please or ask nicely.There is a squirrel living close to the house. I make sure to bark at it when it comes here. This is my house now. I have to protect it. Don’t worry though I am good at my job so the squirrel hasn’t broken in yetBut I will let you know my secret: my absolute favorite thing is the SNOW!! I love the snow! I run, jump, and eat the snow as it falls. It snows a lot here and I always want to go outside and play in the blanket of snow.My mother says I still need training, but that we have come a long way and that she is so proud of me. My mother also says that once I am okay with other dogs she will adopt a new doggy sister from Vafa for me too.I know the future has a great deal in store for me. With my mommy, sister, and Spirt Wind at my side I am ready to face it here in Canada.

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