Adopted by Coe Family -May 23, 2015 – Kensington, CA

I can’t believe that it has been one year since we adopted beautiful Nava! In that time she has really enjoyed going on vacations with us to Carmel, Calistoga, Sonoma and Healdsburg.

She also loves going on hikes with us on the nearby trails and loves the beach and walks near the bay! One of her favorite things is going out for coffee with us and just being close, always nuzzling us or rolling over for more love.It took almost no time for Nava to feel at home. She has her favorite places she likes to sleep and loves meeting new people. She and Buddy (our golden) are kindred spirits and like staying close to one another.

I can’t believe how lucky we are to have her gentle spirit in our lives!

Mary Coe

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