Another blog by Sheyda who spent a few weeks in Iran and volunteered at Vafa several times during her short time back home:

The Sad Life of a Stray Puppy How do the stray puppies end up at VAFA Animal Shelter? Each puppy has a unique story, most of them very cruel. Here is the story of Ahou: It was Friday, June 15, 2012. Mr. and Mrs. Tehrani are devoted volunteers who had spent the day working at VAFA. After wrapping up their duties and saying goodbye, they drove away feeling good about all their hard work.

Within a few miles of the shelter, they came across a group of men kicking a young puppy. Pulling their car over, they got out and picked up the frightened and hurt puppy while telling the men off. Why were these men kicking an innocent animal? Because in their twisted and demented mind, hurting an animal is fun. They did not even feel the slightest remorse for what they were doing when reprimanded for their actions.

Mr. and Mrs. Tehrani brought the puppy to VAFA Animal Shelter where everyone tried to soothe her wounds and ease her fear. They named her Ahou, Persian for deer, since she had the delicacy and look of a deer. Poor Ahou. She didn’t know whether to fear humans or love and trust them. Another devoted couple, Mr. and Mrs. Nosrati, took Ahou to their home for two weeks where, with much tender loving care, she was well-nourished and gained strength.

Fortunately, Ahou did not suffer any broken bones. When she was feeling better, Ahou was returned to the shelter where, after about with sickness, she is now getting healthy, has the run of the front porch, and is gradually trusting humans. This is one story with a happier ending, albeit ups and downs. Most stories do not end so. It is important that people chip in and help as much as they can. Without people like the Tehranis and the Nosratis, animals like Ahou will continue to suffer at the hands of humans and meet a tortured end.


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