International Homeless Animals Day – August19, 2023
The history of animal rights and shelters has long been intertwined. In the 1870s, animal welfare advocates noted that children and animals were equally vulnerable and needed protection. (more…)
The history of animal rights and shelters has long been intertwined. In the 1870s, animal welfare advocates noted that children and animals were equally vulnerable and needed protection. (more…)
My name is Earth, the only planet that provides all your necessities for life. However, in return, you humans destroy all the natural resources I have provided you with excessive consumption.
The pollution, global warming, and climate change you have caused destroy all living beings on Earth. Don’t you see yourself in danger? It is time to act to save Earth and its living beings.
Stop destroying forests.
Poster designer: Salma Hashemian
Produce less waste, especially non-biodegradable waste such as plastic.
Replace fossil energy with renewable energy, such as solar and wind energy.
Respect the environment.
Each animal plays a role in the cycle of nature; value and stop killing them.
Join Earth Saver groups and educate others and promote the culture of saving the planet.
It is not possible to stop the rebirth of the earth after a hard winter. (more…)
May the New Year bring you happiness, peace, and prosperity. Happy New Year!
Poster designer: Tanin Salabati
The history of animal rights and shelters have long been intertwined. (more…)