The first week of October holds special significance for environmentalists and animal lovers.

*The first day of this month is World Vegetarian Day. The good news is that the number of vegetarians and vegans has been rising in recent years, driven by increased awareness of the harm that meat consumption causes to both individual well-being and the health of our planet.
*October 2nd is World Farm Animals Day. This day is dedicated to the countless animals who spend their short lives on their way to slaughterhouses or spend their entire lives serving the very people who built those slaughterhouses. People must learn that it is wrong to exploit animals for human benefit.
This planet is not solely ours—we share it with other animals, and we must respect their right to live free and unexploited lives.
*October 4th is World Animal Day. This day is for all animals—from pets like cats and dogs to the hungry strays we see on the streets searching for food. It’s also for the animals whose habitats we have destroyed through selfish and irresponsible actions. It’s a day to remember the ones we have tortured and confined in circuses, zoos, waterparks, laboratories, meat markets, and poultry farms, and the animals who have been taken from their natural habitats. This day is also for the animals that lose their lives daily in wildfires, extreme weather events, floods, and polluted waters worldwide. Animal habitats are becoming increasingly uninhabitable due to changes caused by human activity.
October 4th is a day for all of these animals.
As Albert Schweitzer, the German doctor, philosopher, and Nobel Peace Prize winner, once said:
“Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.
Posters designer: Sahar Azimi


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