According to the World Health Organization, there are about 200 million stray dogs worldwide.

Here are some facts about stray dogs in the United States:

1. 6.5 million Animals Are Taken into US Shelters Annually

(Source: ASPCA)

  • Out of these, 3.3 million are dogs, and 3.2 million are cats.
  • Around 50% of the shelter animals are adopted, but 20–30% get euthanized.
  • 87% of animals in underserved communities are neither spayed nor neutered.
  • 77% of that 87% have never been to a vet.

    طراح پوستر: سلما هاشمیان

2. One Female Dog Can Give Birth to 12–18 Puppies a Year

(Source: Humane Society)

  • Around 67,000 puppies can be born from a single female dog and her offspring in six years.
  • Shelters spay or neuter only 10% of animals.
  • 5500 dogs are euthanized each day. 

In countries like Iran, there are usually no statistics kept, but what is clear is that stray or homeless dogs, in the absence of Animal Protection Acts, have a much more challenging situation, from time to time either being killed by brutal methods or collected and left in enclosed areas without any attention.

Due to the high birth rates of dogs and cats, there has been no successful experiment in controlling the population growth of these animals in some countries other than by mass killing of the animals.

Experts believe the CNVR method (capture, sterilization, vaccination, and return), combined with education and cooperation between governmental and non-governmental organizations, is the most effective and sustainable in developing countries such as Iran.

We must adopt the methods of countries like ours to solve the problem of ever-increasing animal strays.

Since the end of October 2021, Vafa Shelter has launched a sterilization campaign relying only on supporters’ and animal lovers’ donations. It has sterilized about 2550 dogs and cats since the campaign started.

Animal sterilization is crucial because it prevents an increase in the population of homeless animals, controls aggressive hormone-based behaviors of animals, and reduces animal reproductive system diseases.

Lastly, animal sterilizing is vital because it will help reduce the number of hungry, wounded, and helpless puppies/ kittens abandoned in the city.

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