The solution is easy! The problem is clear. We will not get anywhere if we just eliminate the problem.

Just like us, animals are also God’s creatures on planet Earth. Based on scientific evidence and religious beliefs, they were even here before us so they are the true natives of this earth. Since they have different roles on this earth, without them not only would nature be destroyed but it is also unimaginable. Some of these loving animals are now so close to humans that they are considered family members and they even have rights.

In certain societies, due to our ignorance, they have struggled with endless issues. Even when it is our fault, these animals are considered the problem. Not us.

One of the problems that we blame animals for is the increase in their population. This is a problem that has caused homelessness for countless cats and dogs around the world. This is a problem that has traditionally been “solved” by killing innocent animals because that is the easiest and most profitable solution. International Homeless Animals’ Day creates another opportunity to shed light on this brutal practice by humans and to offer the simple solution to the problem which is sterilization of these animals. Let us move one step forward today and solve the problem of animal brutality and lack of support. Tomorrow will be too late.


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