04 December 2010

Our first educational “spay and neuter” workshop was held from November 20th to 26th, 2010.

This workshop was sponsored by WSPA,

and produced by Center for Animal Lovers, and Vafa Animal Shelter.

During this workshop Dr. Gholam-Reza Abedi taught the latest methods of spay and neuter to two graduate students of veterinary, Dr. Reza Khandanloo and Dr. Peyman Shahzamani.

Focus of this workshop was techniques that minimize the impact of the procedures on the animal, hence shorten the recovery time.

Our first educational “spay and neuter” workshop was held from November 20th to 26th, 2010. This workshop was sponsored by WSPA,and produced by Center for Animal Lovers, and Vafa Animal Shelter.

During this workshop Dr. Gholam-Reza Abedi taught the latest methods of spay and neuter to two graduate students of veterinary, Dr. Reza Khandanloo and Dr. Peyman Shahzamani.

Focus of this workshop was techniques that minimize the impact of the procedures on the animal, hence shorten the recovery time.

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