21 November 2010

During the young life of Vafa Shelter, we have witnessed many struggles and daily sacrifices of many of it’s local volunteers.

We know that even the monetary support of many of  our sympathetic supporters could not bring the results without these industrious individuals on the site.

We thought it would be nicer to add some faces to these names for all to get to know them a little better.

So here are some photos of our wonderful staff and management team at Vafa shelter in Hashtgerd & Tehran,  whom we appreciate so much…

During the young life of Vafa Shelter, we have witnessed many struggles and daily sacrifices of many of it’s local volunteers. We know that even the monetary support of many of  our sympathetic supporters could not bring the results without these industrious individuals on the site. We thought it would be nicer to add some faces to these names for all to get to know them a little better. So here are some photos of our wonderful staff and management team at Vafa shelter in Hashtgerd & Tehran,  whom we appreciate so much…

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