Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Dear friends,

In the last few months, Vafa has faced many challenges which got resolved with your help.

Below, we mention some of them:

We are grateful of your support. For some years, a water spring in the village of Kooshkezar was the water source for the shelter. Water was stored in a pool and then moved to the shelter by pipes. Since last year due to scarce rainfall, the spring started to dry up, until about eight months ago that it dried up completely and the shelter was left without water. Fortunately, there is a well nearby that had not been used for a long time. After consulting with some experts we decided to get it ready and utilized. To start with, as a temporary solution we purchased and installed two 6000 liter tanks. For a month, we bought and delivered water to these tanks by trucks. In the meanwhile, after purchase of a motorized pump and electric generator, plumbing and other preparations the well became usable. This would not have happened without your help.

Your help also has made it possible for us to hire a second full time cleaning person.At present time the shelter employees two full time attendants and a driver/services person. Therefore, with your help not only the shelter is a cleaner place, three families live better lifes. A new Peykan van was gifted to the shelter by it’s founder, Mrs. Motamedi. This van and your donations gave us the chance to spend time and money in to repairing the old van. Again, none of this would have happened without your help. With your help, dozens of dogs received medical treatments and vaccinations, were spay and neutered, and got fed.These are only examples of a long list. As a group, with a common goal we can do a lot more. Expect more good news…

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