Adopted Aug 8, 2010 by Ara Serjoie

One of the highlights of my recent trip to Iran was meeting Ms. Esna-ashari and seeing Vafa animal shelter firsthand. If there is such a thing as God’swork on earth, then I truly believe she and her team are doing it. Taking care of helpless and innocent creatures with love and compassion is within all of us. However, very few of us indeed rise to the occasion and do it so beautifully and with heartfelt interest. I am honored to have met her and grateful to Lucky for bringing me to this wonderful opportunity.

In March of 2010, I went to Iran for a couple of weeks to celebrate Nowruz with my family. I hadn’t visited for 18 years and wanted to attend my brother’s wedding.

During my visit, I wanted to walk around town and re-explore the familiar neighborhoods of my childhood. One day, after walking for about an hour, I came across a little furry thing on the corner of a sidewalk and thought it was a dead cat. But, as I was walking past the furry little thing, he suddenly lifted his head and looked at me. I realized that it was a puppy, dirty and malnourished. I just froze and kept looking at him, wondering what I could or should do. He was not healthy, and I knew he would not survive more than a couple of days.
I called my brother and consulted with him. After determining that there was indeed no way to find a vet in the middle of the holiday season, he suggested that I bring him home with me. As I walked around the corner to see if I could find something to wrap around the puppy to pick him up, he slowly got up and followed me. He was so weak, but he could still show the kind of affection that only comes from a puppy. I had made up my mind. I took off my jacket, wrapped it around him, picked him up, and hailed a cab. He stopped and said he would take me home for free! He said he had a dog also and knew it would be a long time before anyone else would stop for me. I was so touched by his kindness and paid him well upon arrival anyway.

Once home, I bathed, fed, and named him Lucky. The next day, I took him to the Tehran Veterinary Hospital. There, he was put on an IV and given tests and shots.
I then called Vafa Shelter, only to be greeted by the lovely Lida Esnaashari. A couple of days later, my dad, mom, and I, all drove to Karaj with Lucky. I held him in my arms the whole drive. I don’t know how I managed to muster up the ability to leave Lucky behind. Had he been healthier and given the appropriate paperwork, I would have brought him back to the US with me. But for now, I feel comfortable knowing that he is in good hands, being cared for, fed, cured, and loved at the Vafa animal shelter. I am grateful to Ms. Esna-ashari for taking in Lucky and keeping him as an ‘amanati’ (guest) for me. She also did what she had promised me, and five months later, when Lucky got better, he was sent to the United States.

All my best,


His guardian angel who found him, has requested to adopt him. He is now in California.


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