Adopted by Fraticelli Family – Sunol, California – April 2012

I knew the moment I saw the picture of Delband on the GSRNC (german shepherd rescue of northern california)website that she was destined to be my girl. I had already decided I wanted an older dog, but when I saw her I instantly felt a connection. I knew we were meant to be together. When I met her at the adoption day, I couldn’t imagine being with any other dog there, and I couldn’t imagine leaving without her.

Delband has a very gentle, sweet and submissive nature, but she has also matured into a confident, social dog. She is beautiful, smart and well behaved, and she fits in wonderfully here in Kilkare Woods, Sunol. She’s a great companion on hikes, runs and walks, and she really enjoys all of wildlife and other domesticated animals around here. She gets along beautifully with all of the neighborhood dogs and their owners. She hunts bugs and grazes on all kinds of plants, roots and sticks. She likes the squash leaves in the garden and fresh apples from the tree!

Steve fenced our entire yard so Delband now has plenty of room to roam and play. She loves just laying out in the driveway or on the patio, chewing on toys and yummy treats. She loves Steve, is friendly with Skyler and his friends, and she and our cat Izzy are best buddies. They love each other and actually play together! They are both very gentle with each other. I promise I will send you a video of that as soon as I can capture it on film! Our whole family and all of our friends and neighbors absolutely love and adore Delband, and she loves us too! She is very happy and healthy, and she’s big and just keeps growing!

Kind regards,


دختراى كوچولوى ما، دلبند و دلناز، دو تا از خوشبخت ترين توله هايى هستن كه به امريكا آورديمشون. اين كوچولو هاى شيرين قبل…

Posted by Vafa Animal Shelter on Thursday, March 8, 2012

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