Carbon (now Princess Persia) adopted by Farid & Cindy Yaghini – Ottawa, Canada

On a beautiful Spring day my Father called me and told me about a puppy’s cries of pain near their house. He had looked for the source of the cries but could not find it. We live nearby so I went on the terrace and listened but still didn’t notice any signs. By the afternoon we could not hear any more noises and we concluded that the mother must have returned and the case was closed. But that night, my sister Fariba, noticed a black object under a staircase around the corner that seemed like an old hat to her.

Soon, it made a slight move. Fariba realized that it was a puppy, barely alive. She had cried for help all day and had ran out of hope and energy. Fariba brought her to me immediately, and since I am an ‘experienced mom’ of seven puppies already, I started feeding her beef broth with a syringe. She was so weak that she could not stand on her legs and we thought she had been injured. After a few days of intensive care she started to get up and move around. A week later when we were sure of her health we introduced her to the other puppies. She was quite playful and had a great time with the other ones. After a couple of months she went to the shelter with the other pups. And that’s where her luck changed…


Princess Persia came to us very scared and shy. She was anti social and very frightened by anyone outside of the house. In the several months that she has been with us, she has made vast gains with both her social skills and confidence. Cindy and I can not take all the credit as a lot of her improvements were due to Orion, Baily and Marshal who are all neighborhood dogs that helped her socialize. In addition, she has become best friends with our cat Marley who was also a rescued pet. Persia is extremely smart. She walks off leach in parks and never runs off. She scratches the back door when she has to use the washroom and even drags the blanket off me at night if she needs to go while I am sleeping. Most importantly, she has made our older dog Orion, a young puppy again. Orion’s activity level has increased and she is much more playful since Persia’s arrival.

Persia graduated from puppy school several weeks ago and got the top student award. The only place I could see her improving in is maybe her barking. She would be an excellent guard or security dog as she barks at every person that walks or drives past our house. In conclusion, she is a gem and extremely loved member of our family.

Farid & Cindy


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