Hello, my name is Tintin, a handsome, gentle boy. Although I am very young but my short life had so many ups and downs,I have a lot of story to tell you about those sad days.when I was very little, I lost my mother and my siblings and I had scab too. That winter, cold weather outside, fear of homelessness and loneliness inside me, starvation and that severe disease was beyond imagination. but even worst was the cruelty of some people, it made everything even worst and worst.one night, a miracle happened and a beautiful soul found me; disappointed, homeless and sick and took me to Vafa Animal Shelter. It took me a long time to heal my wounds, inside and outside and forget my sorrows.time was flying and I get older and bigger, I was not sick anymore .


All of that kindness and attention cured me.one day in Spring, a very nice family came to visit Vafa Animal shelter, The Nazaris, They adopted my sister Sasha and me.


I was nervous. Ms. Zarrin was whispering in my ears that a nice house with a beautiful garden and two nice comfy dog houses are all waiting for us.

I would never forget that magical day that we walked to our beautiful forever home. We sniffed everywhere, we checked all corners. and the most wonderful thing for us was all the love and devotions that we could have from Mr. and Ms. Nazari, food, a home and an endless love for both of us.my sister and I feel so lucky that we never look back at our past and all those cold, dark days.I am working hard these days to keep our home safe, I am all ears for my lovely parents and I am always looking forward for them to come back home, to have another hug, another touch of love.And a few words from Sasha:I am a beautiful, lovely girl and I was really lucky to be adopted by the nicest family ever. Of course, my brother, Tintin and I made a great team. my talent and instinct from one side and Tintin’s devotion and hard work from other side, made us even more special. We both are happy, playing the whole day in our lovely home and we are both grateful to our kind family and we truly hope that all of our friends back at the Vafa Shelter could have the chance to be adopted by a great family and could find their forever home.


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