In October 2020, amidst the challenges of quarantine and COVID, we received distressing news about a small dog confined in appalling conditions behind a shop. Farzad and Mr. Karam sprang into action, engaging with the owner and persuading them to surrender the dog to a shelter. Initially timid, the pup was fortunate to spend only a month and a half in the shelter.

A compassionate young couple, already pet owners, visited the shelter seeking a companion for their dog. Serendipitously, they connected with Gypsy, who quickly bonded with their canine sibling, Anardoneh.

Witnessing Gypsy find a loving family and friendship fills us with joy and reinforces our commitment to ensure all our furry friends find homes where they can thrive. Here’s to Gypsy and all our beloved dogs, may they all find families and happiness.

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