The history of animal rights and shelters has long been intertwined. In the 1870s, animal welfare advocates noted that children and animals were equally vulnerable and needed protection. So, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) enacted anti-cruelty laws.

In the 20th century, there were increases in protection for domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, while animals sent to slaughterhouses or working animals still received little protection.

However, animal rights activists continue to fight for more legal and physical animal protections.

In 1992, the International Association for Animal Rights declared International Homeless Animal Day the third Saturday of August every year.

Poster designer: Mehran Khorsandian


Today, in most countries, sterilization program for dogs and cats is carried out to control the increase in the population of urban animals and reduce the suffering of homeless animals. In this program, dogs and cats are trapped, neutered, and released (TNR).

Vafa Animal Shelter launched a sterilization campaign in October 2021 and has sterilized hundreds of dogs and cats.

Your financial contribution to this campaign means we can all be a voice for homeless animals and help reduce their suffering by controlling overpopulation.

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