Poulaad (Meaning Steel)

Poulaad was a guard dog at a stable for horses.

He loved his job and was happy with his life.  Although no one ever pets him or cared for his health, his friendship with horses filled the lack of human compassion in his life. Poulaad was a strong and healthy dog, and he fulfilled his duties as a dutiful guard dog the best way possible.

One day, one of the horses accidentally kicked him in the back. He rested a few days hoping he would get better.  Unfortunately, his situation did not get better.  He was in excruciating pain, but he tolerated this pain silently with patience.  Thinking with lying down he may get better.

Little by little, he was able to drag himself a small distance…  People now realized that he has a serious problem, but instead of taking him to the vet they kicked him out of the only home he knew.

It was difficult to fathom that he was faithfully sitting outside the stable door and waiting.  Maybe he was thinking this is temporary, and they will let him in and care for him eventually.

Three days passed, and eventually, an onlooker who had noticed him outside and knew of his situation contacted the shelter.  Poulaad soon became a son of Vafa.

Poulaad underwent surgery twice.  He is now a healthy and very popular dog.

Many good people participated in this rescue case.


Anonymous heroes who do not remain indifferent when they see pain and suffering of animals and helped courageously.

Would you be one of these people?


Fatemeh Motamedi

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