Let’s wish for a little kindness! Let’s wish for a kind heart and kind thoughts! Kindness is simple, just like rain, snow, spring, river and a tree! Kindness is beautiful just like a stray cat’s eyes when you feed him or a dog’s wagging tail when you fill his bowl with water. Kindness will be seen and heard! With kindness, they have voices and supporters. With kindness there will be food to eat and hands to pet.

Let’s wish for a world free of animal cruelty, abuse, and torture. Let’s wish for elephants not to have to lose their tusks, for foxes not to lose their fur. Let’s wish for alligators not to get hunted for their skin, for snakes not to have to become a pet, for bears not to dance in a circus, and for any lion to have to live in a zoo. Let’s wish for polar bears to have enough ice and for bees to have enough flowers. Let’s wish for all birds to be free, and for all fish to be swimming in the sea.

Let’s wish for a kind heart for us, a kind heart for all two legged creatures. We can make a difference on earth! Let’s wish for kindness, kindness, kindness and again more kindness.

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