12 March 2016

A hand turned the last page of the calendar, and Spring is upon us. Lend us your hand filled with the aroma of spring time.

Another year pasted, blessed with your faithful hands … Hands that undid the gnarly rope off my neck, another connected me to my new life. One hand put a bowl of food in front of me, another cupped water in front of me to quench my thirst. One hand stroked me lovingly, another opened loving arms to me. Hands that offered a roof over my head, and hands that planted a tree to shade over me in the desert, rooted in love.

One hand reached, one hand built, one hand was my home. One hand washed my tar covered body, one comforted my broken spirit. A hand became remedy to Mahbanoo’s wounds, another became wings to Vafa, another traveled with Bamdad, and another delivered Mahak to the other side of the world, offered safety to Nazgol. Hands rested bodies of Gary and Steve to peace.


Sleeves rolled up, ready to be effective, holding cameras, black and white, colorful paintings, one pointed and, I was seen.

Fists were raised and, I was heard.


A hand invited me to lull and I smiled. A hand filled in for Soosan’s missing legs. A hand took Omid to festivals, and another brought home the sweet love of Shekar, Khorma, and Assal.


One taught me how to behave, share love, be free and safe.

And friends forever.

Cheers to arrival of Spring!


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