Adopted by Leone and Jack Samilson – July 2014 – Blairstown, NJ

As you know Tara joined our family in July of 2015. Originally scheduled to be a foster, Jack and I took one look at her soulful eyes and fell in love. When she joined us we had two German Shorthair Pointers, Chica age 14 and Scarlett age 6. Sadly Chica crossed the rainbow bridge in September.

Tara is bonded with with her new sister Scarlett, as well as all her cousins both in NJ (Max, Molly, Tux and Delilah) and in Florida (Ruby and the black dog brigade).Since she has joined the pack she has traveled from NJ to Washington DC in one trip. Down the east coast to the florida keys and then along the gulf coast of the US. She has now returned to the Keys, survived her first set of winter visitors and is waiting for all the others who will be along soon. She and Scarlett go CRAZY when we ask if they want to go for a ride in the car and then jump in and go to sleep. I guess its a dog thing.Even with her heavy coat she seems to really enjoy our long walks and doesn’t seem at all sad to be missing the cold and snow in NJ. (she told me so this morning!). She is continuing to work on NOT barking, and NOT jumping. And loves to be loved. Although she sometimes has a tough time with new dogs and people in her own yard and house, she loves to meet and play with everybody in all the dog parks we visit.


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