Adopted by Siamack & Nasrin Yeganeh – March 29, 2011

We feel so lucky to have adopted a puppy from Vafa Animal Shelter. It’s hard to find the words to express the joy this little one has brought in to our lives.

And it would not have happened if I had not responded to your need for travelers from Iran to agree to bring a Vafa dog back to US with them. There was four of us.

Thunder (Caramel) was the one that came with my aunt ahead of me. My husband, Siamack, was to foster him. Well Siamack says he fell in love with the little bundle of joy at first sight especially when he learned that Caramel was only two days old when he was abandoned.  He waited for me to come back and make the final decision.

I can’t tell you the feeling I had when I met Thunder for the first time. My heart just melted when I looked at his eyes and I knew right then that I am not able to give him up.

Siamack told me that he is like tsunami, and he is! He chews on everything and specially loves my mom’s socks. He doesn’t like any one to take a nap and teases his older brother, Shazdeh. He is very playful and funny and adorable. We love him and can’t imagine our lives without him.


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