Adopted by Ramtin Minouei – April 30, 2013 – Bridgewater, NJ

Milo’s (lucky) story started for us when I was visiting my mother in Iran . I promised a good friend of mine to take some medicine and dog accessories for Vafa animal shelter and when I contacted Ms. Zarrin for pick up she arranged a full day visit for me at Vafa . During this visit I met few terrier dogs who were rescued from very bad situation and I decided to bring Milo aka Lucky to united states.


Two days after I returned home to New Jersey, Milo was flown to Toronto with a volunteer traveler. He spent a few days in Toronto with a kind volunteer, and it took a day for a team of 8 Liberty Train volunteers to drive him to New Jersey.

Milo’s arrival from Vafa was not only to have another dog to accompany me, but to have reminder of my childhood memories . It was also a way to contribute to my Mom’s tireless efforts to take care of our four dogs and making food for street animals when we were kids.

Milo has been with us for over three months now and we could not imagine life without our sweet boy. He is a beautiful dog who is very active and loves any kind of training. We spend about two hours a day walking through the neighbor hood . He gets along very well with our other dog Molly. He was potty trained in two days and knows a few tricks.

He is a true gentleman and he is always calm. I believe having Milo in our life was one of the best decisions I ever made.

We are very happy that everything turned out well and we have to say that all the effort and expenses were worth the cause.

We are often asked by neighbors what breed Milo is because he looks so unique and then people are surprised when they hear the great story.

Ramtin Minooei


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